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Writer's pictureBlessed Is She


Gulp! Ever done that? I don't mean over a good ole glass of sweet tea! I mean, when the Lord says something in that still small voice and you just gulp! That was me this week! I gulped really hard!

A few weeks ago, I was speaking with a young lady who was being hammered by someone dogging her, dogging her Mama, dogging her life, you know, someone just being a bully and trying their best to drum up reaction in her. We spoke about just being still and not allowing her fingers to text back and continue to stir up drama and anger. We spoke about being a woman of wisdom and a woman with boundaries to know when to walk away and allow the Lord to work.

This past week, I had to remind myself of that very conversation.

This past week we have delt with a serious situation in our lives and I had to work that mussel of restraint. We have faced a mountain and within that it involved law enforcement, an attorney, setting up safeguards, having hard conversations as well as making some really hard mental decisions.

That was hard!

Sometimes during the hard struggles, our sin nature wants nothing more than to say something or to set the record straight! Our sin nature wants to lash out and make that bold statement. I was there! I wanted to say back off but in not so short of a sentence.

I muddle, I toyed, I planned, I typed, I thought about and I pondered on just what I should say. I think I must have typed out a statement 25 times in my head.

THEN (you know, after I had done all that! Not before!) I said, "Lord, show me!"

Then the gulp came!

As I was working around the house, I felt that gentle whisper say, "How long are you going to fight this battle?"


Then Exodus 14:14 hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Rachel, I will fight for you! You need to keep your peace!"

I went to my Bible and read Exodus 14 and with tears flowing, gulped!

Exodus 14:14 - The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

Do you know what "The Lord shall fight for you" means? It means "He will devour!" and "ye shall hold your peace" means, altogether.

Now, don't get me wrong, what we had to put in place, was by the leading of the Holy Spirit, but what I wanted to say in the flesh was NOT and I knew it!

The Lord and I often have good conversations where He's gently teaching me and this was one of those moments.

After that decision, peace came and I decided once again, "Thy will be done."

I can't share with you what happened next, but boy did God's grace abound.

I don't know what you're struggling with today, but what I do know is this. He is Bigger! He WILL fight for you! He WILL devour! He will protect! He will NEVER fail you! But, you must take the first step in putting down the sin of the flesh and surrender all. Yes, even the words you so want to spout, or text, or post!

Exodus 14:14 - The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

Will you let Him?

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