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Rachel Littleton

Monday Munchies


Thank you for all the well wishes as my family has been dealing with a bacterial infection (just think of it as a horrific flu bug). It came out of the blue and of course, it started at 2AM with Dad becoming violently ill in all areas. As we were cleaning up, changing linen, helping him shower, I knew, this was not going to be good. Of course, we were not prepared for this and had just used the last box of gloves so yep, it was bound to happen!

I know this is longer than our normal #MondayMunchies, but I often say I write more as a praise rather than a statement. If you care to get a hot cup of something, let's just worship for a bit. I would love to hear your praises too so make sure to share some today.

It's 1AM and I'm outside. Listening to all the noises of life around me, I have praise music flowing in an earbud and my heart is full of gratitude and praise. I wanted to share with you a little about our journey the past 10 days. We're still recovering, but God is good, and we rejoice IN all things. We don't believe God won't give us more than we can handle, but we do believe God won't give us more than He can handle. So, on this early Monday morning, I hope you'll join me as I just praise Him through this storm.

Ps. 23 - Through!

24 hours later after Dad woke up sick, he was settling down from the “upchuck” portion, and then, it hit me like a ton of bricks! For 12 hours, I was so sick with my own “upchuck” saga. My husband is new at his job and had no PTO, so Dad and I managed as we did not want anyone else to get sick. I felt like a mother of a toddler again taking on what I learned and that is, “sleep while the baby sleeps!”

Then, when you think the worst is over, the dryer broke! Imagine that! During this mess.

After a few days, I decided to order groceries to be delivered to help ease the pressure on my husband and son. I thought if I ordered, I could pull the wagon in and put them away as I had the energy and then when they came home, it was done and was one less task for them. Well, little to my surprise, when delivered, 57 items were “missing!” YES!! 72% of my order, that was paid for simply vanished after leaving the store! Imagine that! I mean we have a magician in our family and even he’s not that good! My frozen food was melted and everything that should have been cold was warm.

As I sat in the chair, tearful and exhausted, I remembered a scripture I shared the day before with a friend who was struggling. I Corinthians 13:12 “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

I was reminded of Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Do you love those Jesus moments as much as I do? He was reminding me to rest and that it is He that knows the plans and one day, when face to face, we will see everything clear. I was pushing to get things done, to uphold my responsibilities outside and in the home but when I read that to myself, I took a deep breath and resolved to pull back and let Him handle it. (see how much I still need to learn?) I called my sister to let her know how sick I now was, and she helped handle some situations for me and I settled in to rest.

As I was resting, I received a message, “Mom is in A-fib, and we’ve called 911!” Thankfully, my sister (who has been sick but was slightly better than I) went with mom to the ER.

That afternoon, Dad took a turn for the worse and after an in-home-doctors visit, it was suggested he too go to the ER for some fluids and to check his sodium levels. So, my husband came home early from work and off they went.

As things were slowing, as far as the “illness” goes, I thought, phew, that was quite an ordeal. Then, my phone rings and I hear our youngest, in a distressed tone says, “Mom, can you come help me?” Nothing anyone wants to hear! I jumped up and went outside to see our son throwing up on his sidewalk between his house and ours. He was frozen and did not know what to say. I did. I just said, come on. Get in the shower and I’ll handle it. He tried to tell me what a mess it was, and he had been up all night throwing up and “other stuff.” I reassured him I knew exactly how he felt and to come in and I would clean it up and get him clean clothes.

As I was cleaning his house, gathering his clothes, I noticed something strange, I was thankful.

Thankful, he lives close.

Thankful, I knew how he felt so I could sympathize and knew what he would need.

Thankful, he has zero debt so taking time off is okay.

Thankful, he knew he could call for help.

Thankful, I had already had it and was not worried about getting sick or sicker!

I was simply thankful as I was cleaning up “the mess.”

Then, as I was expressing gratitude, something happened…that dark glass, that fog that can often overtake me, began to lift and praise and gratitude began to engulf me.

As I walked back to the house, something else hit me. I was thankful that he got sick on this day. It was Friday and on Saturday he was going to help his friend move. Had he gone, he would have exposed so many including my treasured friend who quietly fights cancer. I was in tears thankful for God’s hand of protection upon her and her family.

It was not easy, but we did what we could do and Jesus, well, He did what only Jesus can do. He began to show grace and my fog, began to vanish like the morning dew on hot summer day.

The dryer, well, the mound of laundry was mounting, and I did not want my husband to go to the laundry mat. He was tired from being up in the night with us, sleeping on the couch trying not to get sick, running a medical practice, researching a broken dryer. Plus, everything else in day-to-day life. One of those itself is enough, but pile all of it at once, it’s overwhelming. My sweet neighbors offered to help, but I was scared to share this mess, and no one wanted to do this laundry!

I then was given a little whisper, a still small voice reminder... Remember the handers? HANGERS! A week prior we were at Costco and on a “whim,” we picked up a box of 50 hangers. So, the laundry began and by the time my husband came home, the laundry was hanging on every door frame drying! God gave a few days of dry, low pollen days so the linen was outside drying! It was done, and we were both so happy! Hangers, who would have known, but God!

Mom, well, her A-fib corrected itself and she was able to go home, get in her PJ’s and rest. Jesus walked with her, corrected her heart and we get to love on her more.

Dad, was IV hydrated and he too returned home. He’s been able to rest and recover in the comfort of his own room, close to his jellybean dispenser!

My grocery order, well, only God! Wal-Mart issued a full refund, gave me express delivery so I could get a new order in less than 2 hours, and they issued a gift card. When I was cleaning at our son’s house, I noticed he really needed a high spout faucet and well, the gift card, paid for that! Don’t think for one minute when we can’t see through that dark glass, when we’re living in the shadow, God is still working on our behalf.

The dryer, thanks to YouTube and my brother for picking up the part while Mark worked. Mark came home from work, replaced the part and she’s running like new!

I’m reminded to look for the blessing, find the joy IN every thing, not because of every thing. I never thought in the midst of this mess I would find utter joy, but there it was. The lessons of gratitude we’ve been learning are not only in the good times. They are hidden in difficult times too. I hope you’re looking for them.

I Thessalonians 5:18

“1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Do you see that, “concerning you?” That’s your journey, assigned just for you. While IN it are you giving thanks?

God, in His goodness, blesses us more than we deserve. I feel like I fail Him over and over, but He continues to walk patiently with me as I learn and grow. God, in the midst of this mess, has blessed in ways I never saw coming. I was reminded of Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”

Are you allowing His power to work in you?

Two weeks before getting sick, on a “whim,” I looked up the mattress we’ve been thinking about. It was on sale and was in our allotted budget. When Mark came home, I said, I ordered the mattress, so we don’t have to pick it up! What a blessing that was to have it delivered to the house free, have a big coupon added, plus a gracious gift card from work at Christmas that we had been saving! Well, guess who was very happy to have that comfortable bed during all this?

I’ve had something in my cart I’ve wanted for a few months. A little solar light for my patio sitting area. Mark and I were outside, and we talked about where it would go. He said, pull them up and see how much it is. When we pulled it up, there was a coupon, and they were on a BOGO free sale! I was so excited, and they came the next day. Peace. A place to be still. A reminder that He knows the plans, just be faithful.

My final praise is for God's timing - We recently had a leadership meeting and as most know; I was unable to attend our last gathering. Because of our leadership team, it took a TON of pressure off and what a joy it was to watch our ladies step up and lead! Blessed Is She ministers to others every day and during this time, you ministered to me. THANK YOU!

If you’re in a storm, look for the blessings. Look for God’s goodness, it’s all around you. Even in the midst of the “upchucks” of life.

I hope you’ll munch on the goodness of Jesus with me this week. He is worthy to be praised. Trust Him my friends.

Psalm 28:7

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”

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