Y'all, July is going to be so FUN!! It's CRAFT NIGHT and we were hoping for 4 instructors, and we have 8!! 8 ladies giving of their time and resources to teach you a craft! You'll get to choose 2 classes when you arrive, and one class will be for everyone. More to come! Mark your calendars, invite a few friends and let's gather together to be an encouragement to one another!
Other exciting details for July:
1. Nancy Hill will be giving her testimony and speaking on Finding Contentment Through Grief. Don't y'all just love her? We will each be blessed at her story.
2. We're starting a collection for our college student care packages.
3. Our meal this month will be finger foods (sign up sheet to come)
We're going to have a great time together! Make sure to RSVP on our website at www.blessedisshesc.com