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Writer's pictureBlessed Is She


As a child, I longed for this. At age 8, we moved hundreds of miles away from family, from the only church family I had ever known. We were a northern family, moving to a southern state and I quickly learned things were different. I learned if you were not family, you were kept on the outskirts. As I grew older, God in his goodness, placed some precious people in our lives that to this day I consider family but early on, it was hard. Today, in my 50's I'm thankful for those times because they allowed me to step into lives of some littles that need "a neighbor" and I am enormously blessed to be "Aunt Rachel" to many.

Galatians 6:10

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

I love the questions today:

1. Think about a typical weekday for you, from the time you get up, until you go to bed. Write down all the people you see face-to-face. Not names but categories such as co-workers, parents on the sideline at sports, mailman, gas station.

2. Look back over the list and circle any group or category you have made an effort to get to know. Place a star by the ones you feel God is calling you to get to know. Now, what small gesture this week can you do to show that person some love?

3. Get your calendar or open your phone app and put a deadline on following through on good intention to show them love with a thoughtful gesture.

Good meanings remain there, put a deadline and make efforts! Oh, and by the way, your adopted sister, she fits perfectly here! Current or past! Be intentional to love on her!

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