We are THRILLED at the number of ladies who've already signed up for our April meeting! Isn't God good? Have you reached out to your adopted sister and invited her?
This month, we've lifted the "limited Space" sign as we have room to grow!! YIPEEE!! Let's grow by inviting!
This month, rather than spend $15-$20 on a meal, we're asking that you bring a dish to share. This month, we're doing a good ole fashion sign up sheet for an Italian Feast! In the comment section on this post on Facebook, please sign up for what you'll bring. We're planning on 40 guests. If we surpass, it will be ok, there will be enough to go around.
First Emmanuel will provide the paper products, so we just need food, drinks and desserts. This meeting there will not be coffee. We will figure that out for May so if you're going to be in need, bring a cup! LOL!! If you want to be in charge of coffee, let us know.
I'm already hungry just thinking about our menu! This month, Teresa Ann is going to assist with our buffet area. She will be there to assist once you arrive.
Thank you again for your kindness! If you've not yet submitted your RSPV, let us know if you'll be attending so we can gather enough supplies!
Looking forward to a great time together on April 27th!