This month we're doing a Family Blessed is She care package. Our dear friend Tracy Lynn Coats sister-in-law (Nancy) is in a battle. Cancer is raging from within, and this Mama needs our prayers. I can only imagine while fighting such a battle, how a mom's heart grieves for her children as well. Nancy and her husband have 5 children and 2 grandbabies.
Andrew is 8
Lenita is 13
Will is 15
MIllie is 19
Jillian is married with a 3 year old and an 8 month old
The family is taking daily trips to and from the hospital and as you know the expense as well as the stress is enormous.
This month, First Emmanuel Ladies Retreat & Blessed Is She Ministry will be sending a care package. Inside the box is individual gift bundles for each child as well as 2 pairs of PJ's for Nancy, a journal, pen and lots of love. If you would like to help make this box a little more special, we will have the box at our April event. If you would like to donate a gift card, it will be open for you to drop one in.
Gift Card Suggestions:
Circle K or Speedway Gas Gift Card (that's the stations in their town)
Food Gift Cards
Think of your family and what would be a blessing to you. If you wish to donate cash, please place in a card and it will go directly into the box. We know not everyone can donate and that is understandable in these times, we will also have a card to sign for the family (or feel free to bring one) and covet your prayers.
Thank you for your consideration in blessing this family. Here is the latest updated posted with permission from Tracy.
"That is SO awesome Rachel….it will be such a blessing….fun distraction…..from the daily stresses right now!! You all are so amazing!!! This is such an emotional roller coaster right now. She does really badly and seems to be hours from Heaven and then settles down and seems a little better. Her current issue is malnutrition. Her liver is barely functioning so it’s not turning her nourishment bag into protein and other things the body needs. Her nutrition is 1.5 out of 5??? Not sure what that means but it’s serious. Still hasn’t restarted chemo. Cancer is growing. Sort of putting band aids on the Titanic…..trying to fix the little things as they arise but still have the bigger issue looming. Not sure. Praying for comfort for her and Chris’ family."
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Thank you for your part is helping to make all things work together for good, even during difficult days we can rejoice.
Let's be an encouragement.
The gift box will be shipped out on Friday, April 28th.